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Nova Scotia Waterfalls – Hinkley Falls

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  • Post category:Blog / Scenery
  • Post last modified:October 14, 2024

Needing To Clear The Head

I’m the type of person who generally needs to have structure in my life in order to thrive. I was three quarters of the way through a two week vacation in which I didn’t make any plans in advance to properly occupy my time. I know I should never ever complain about being on vacation, but I found myself doing the same thing every day: coffee, beach, sauna, eat, then sleep.  Tough life, eh? The monotony got to me, so I ended up googling “Nova Scotia Waterfalls” to see if I could find one nearby. Hinkley Falls came up as the closest option, so I set out on my way!

Instant Relief Shortly After Arrival

The temperature had been in the mid to high 20’s Celsius most of the vacation (I’m not complaining, I swear!). After parking the car, I started to walk down the initial path to Hinkley Falls. I observed the sounds of birds chirping, the smell of the trees, the shade the trees were providing, and water running through a nearby creek. At this point I thanked myself for looking up Nova Scotia Waterfalls, as it was exactly what my body and mind needed at the time (and I hadn’t even made it to the destination yet!).

Should Have Brought My Trunks

The first pathway I came across was quite steep. I thought to myself, there’s got be a better way, so I trekked on further looking for a more suitable path. About 60 feet away from the steep one there was  a very nice path that led me straight to the Hinkley Falls. What a gorgeous spot! The falls create a swimming hole which reminds me of a hot tub (of course the water wasn’t hot). I was kicking myself for not bringing my swim trunks. I think it would be a good spot where a group of friends could relax for a few hours on a nice day. 

Mission Accomplished

I sat there and just took in all the sights and sounds for a couple moments. I thought to myself its amazing how much water travels through Nova Scotia Waterfalls in the run of a second. I also noticed even just listening to a waterfall can be mesmerizing. I  realized I was feeling completely relaxed, which was my primary objective of the day. I decided to pack up and head back to my vehicle. If you’re in the Pictou County area and haven’t done so already, I highly recommend checking out the Hinkley Falls. Thank you for reading my Post!