The Challenge
I’d like to purpose a fitness challenge to the people of New Glasgow, Pictou County. This New Glasgow fitness challenge will include a total of 100 pushups and 100 air squats in any given order. You could rotate in groups of 10, 25, 50, or do 100 straight of each if you’re really ambitious, whatever works for you! I timed it for myself out of curiosity to see how long it would take, and you may want to do the same. Please see video above for my challenge.
Why you Should do Pushups
Part of my reason for creating the New Glasgow fitness challenge is to find a fun way to help prevent injury in the future. Pushups help prevent injury to your lower back and shoulder areas. They also contribute to your overall upper body strength. Personally, I like to do anywhere from 150 to 300 per day (not straight) on average to keep upper body strength at a consistent level.
Why you Should do Air Squats
Another important part of the New Glasgow fitness challenge is the inclusion of air squats. In order to be able to do an air squat you must have good balance. Doing air squats on a regular basis will help strengthen both your lower body and your core. I like to do a minimum of 100 air squats per day. I will say since I’ve incorporated air squats into my daily routine I’ve felt more stable and less sore overall.
Why This Challenge is Important
I believe building and maintaining strength is a key factor in longevity. Being mobile and being able to walk is so important for our overall health. Incorporating air squats into your routine is the perfect maintenance one needs to help them stay on their feet! This New Glasgow fitness challenge contributes to a full body workout, and one that you can take anywhere you go. If you’re looking to challenge yourself even further, one exercise you could add in is the Pictou County Plank. Thank you for reading my post!